Brow lift Surgery
The eyebrow is a continuation of the upper eyelid. The eyebrow and forehead can drop with time, causing hooding of the upper eyelids creating an expression of sadness. Hooding of the upper eyelids may be more a result of a sagging brow rather than excess upper eyelid skin. If the brow droops over the nose, it can create a look of anger. A brow lift or forehead lift can address these changes.
About Brow Lift Surgery
In women, the eyebrow shape is an elegant arch over the outer corner of the eye creating a feminine appearance. Restoring the arch and height of the eyebrow can have a dramatic impact on the face and area around the eyes.
In men, the eyebrow tends to be a “T” shape with minimal arching compared to women. Men can lose eyebrow and forehead height, but when it occurs between the eyes it produces an angry appearance. Brow lift surgery can improve the brow position making a person look more youthful and relaxed, opening up the eyes.
During a consultation, Dr. Lissauer reviews pictures of patients at a younger age to determine how the eyebrows have changed. This guides where to re-establish the brow height and shape preventing an unnatural appearance. This surgery is often performed in conjunction with upper eyelid surgery (upper blepharoplasty).
How is a brow lift performed?
Dr. Lissauer performs brow lift surgery as an outpatient procedure at The Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital in New York. Generally the procedure is two hours or longer depending on if additional procedures are performed simultaneously.
What Should I Expect After a Brow Lift?
There are different methods in brow lift surgery depending on the shape of the eyebrow, position of the hairline and thickness of the hair. Dr. Lissauer performs most brow lifts endoscopically, with multiple small incisions hidden within the hair. The incisions are not visible and bruising and swelling generally resolve within ten to fourteen days. Tightness and swelling are common within the first three weeks and some mild numbness of the forehead can be present as well.
If a patient desires to not move the hairline backwards or even bring the hairline forward, to reduce the size of the forehead, a larger skin incision is made just inside the boundary of the hairline. If a skin incision is required, sutures are usually removed six days after surgery and most patients are able to resume normal activities and return to work within two weeks. Light exercise can usually be resumed within two weeks and full exercise within three weeks.
If you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lissauer regarding cosmetic eyelid surgery, please contact our New York office at: 212-717-2150 for an appointment.